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Welcome! ˖ あたしのウェブサイトへようこそ

Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles!

About my page! ˖ ページについて

If you find this website useful or interesting in any way, be sure to let me know!.

Please be patient as this website is (and will probably be) a work in progress for quite a while being honest! but I swear I'll finish it!! or at least get it to a point where it's nice and has content soon!!

- 2024 Plans! -

  • I auditioned for a short film!
  • I'm trying to get a research paper done on constructed languages!                 (I'll update on this whenever I make any significant progress).
  • I'm writing an essay and need to get more peotry done before a publishing deadline.
  • I really need to practice more indonesian and portuguese...
  • There's absolutely stuff I'm forgetting about.

  • If for any reason you want to reach me out, you can find me on discord as 'saintttnico', if you are into music production, books, or you wanna practice any language I can help you with, or if you want to talk about literally anything else, then, I'll be more than happy to chat!


    Thanks for visiting my site! ⋆⭒˚.⋆
